Vegetable Gardens in 2022
Vegetable gardens to grow things they can eat have become a big success (again) in 2022. Since more and more people start growing vegetables, often just next to their house (and close to their kitchen) it has started a competition between the villages of who has the most beautiful gardens. The promise of an award might contribute to this effort. Our new on-site coordinator (or ‘controller’ as he is called in French) who lives in the village has visited all 4 villages and their gardens. Based on what he saw, the team has chosen the 4 candidates that will get the award during Santa’s visit before Christmas. He sent us 4 pictures of the award winning gardens
1st Photo: Fiadanana: Maurice, who is the son of Dadaleva, our traditional healer whose support made our work possible in the first place
2nd photo: Madame Simone in Tsaramandroso. She has a family garden
3rd photo: Madame Felana in Fiarenana. Family Garden
4th photo: Madame Fitiavana in Analakely, with a huge vegetable garden. She is a teacher at the community’s primary school