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Zahana Effective non-profit by GlobalGiving

Zahana Vetted non-profit by GlobalGiving

Zahana Top Ranked non-profit by GlobalGiving

Thank you for visiting Zahana's National Geographic's "Explorers - Take Action" (former Global Action Atlas) websit

Quick access to our 4 projects: Please follow the links below (so you get there with a click-though from us)


Global Action AtlasBack in May 2010 Zahana was invited to participate in the Global Action Atlas. Considering the reach the National Geographic Society this is exciting for a small project working in rural Madagascar like ours.

We ecourage you to please sign up with the Global Action Atlas and explore it further. If you are on Facebook, or twitter we hope you are compelled to become a fan of our projects on the GAA or use many of the other social media tools offered.

More on the Global Action Atlas is (using the National Geographic wording from 2009):

"National Geographics new Global Action Atlas features hundreds of amazing efforts to reduce human suffering, protect plants and animals, preserve cultures, and more.

National Geographic has launched a sweeping new website to highlight and support the heroic work being done by nonprofits around the world to solve problems facing people and nature. The Global Action Atlas connects people to causes and grassroots projects, enabling those who want to do good to volunteer, donate, advocate, and spread the word about on-the-ground efforts to improve our planet."

This was made possible thanks to Global Givings tireless work with the National Geographic Society. Global Giving processes the donations made via the Global Action Atlas. Currently all of Zahanas Global Giving Projects are listed on National Geographics Global Action Atlas as well.