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Innovative invention to produce more bio-charcoal

new charcoal making machine madagascar

Metosela’s invention is a great example how many of our Zahana projects are interconnected and cross-fertilizing. The introduction of improved cookstoves in 2019 was inspired by the environmental idea to reduce the need for firewood to cook. Improved cookstoves were very well received, but the production of bio-charcoal was more complex. This report focuses on his invention with the perspective of creating a second income for poor farmers.

Metosela is a 34 year-old rice farmer. Married to Florence, 32 year-old, who is also a farmer's daughter. The two have an 8-year-old daughter, Rebecca. The family is based in Analakely, our fourth and newest village collaborating with Zahana.

drying bio charcoal in rural Madagascar

Metosela is one of the most dynamic members of the committee of leaders. He was the first to hand make, organic charcoal in his village and use it with the improved Zahana cookstove that goes with it. Manufacturing biocharcoal is a source of income that allows his small family to structurally fill the shortfall of cash generated each year by the drought, which handicaps all those farmers who depend on rain-fed crops.

the old charcoal machine

Metosela has asked Zahana if he could borrow the device or rather big prototype machine initially manufactured by ZAHANA in 2019 to make bio-charcoal. This machine proved to be too cumbersome and clog to easily and had been sitting in a corner at our school ever since. After all not all innovative ideas or prototypes actually work, when tested in the field. He wanted to see if he could get it to work. He was already using the Zahana’s second model but he wasn’t satisfied, as it took so much time to just produce 1 piece of charcoal. One piece of charcoal is sold at 50 ariary (one USD cent) in the market and making just one piece it so hard, he struggled and used his creativity to find another idea to make it more beneficial and user friendly. He has was convinced that he could make money if he can produce more charcoal in one setting.

Metosela had the idea, inspired by the big monster prototype, of creating a smaller machine (see photos) that makes the manufacturing of bio-charcoal briquettes much more efficient. He invented a machine that could produce 3 bio-charcoal briquettes at once. Handling the smaller machine to make charcoal is more manageable and more portable. He is also very proud that his 8-year old daughter can handle the machine and help him in the charcoal making process.

new charcoal making machine

As a true pioneer, Metosela invented and set up his own production unit. He currently enjoys a very good reputation throughout the Tsiroanomandidy district, notably by managing his own network of producing charcoal among parishioners of churches and temples and among the scout movement in the region. Metosela’s dad is the Adventist minister in is village and he grow up in the spirit of scouting.

The initiative of Metosela is worthy of merit. It is supported by a real and deep believe to contribute to the preservation of the environment, while at the same time improving the quality of life for his small family. But it also has a huge positive impact on the families of those working as employees for his Start-up!!!

This what Metosela said in our language: Raisinay ho fifaliana ny mampita izany fahalalana izany mba ho fandraisanay anjara amin`ny fanarenana ny tontolo iainanana misy antsika. Misaotra tompoko, Metosela 3 mianaka. It could be roughly translated as: “It’s our pleasure to share our experience as our contribution to repair our environment where we all are living. Thank you. Metosela and his family”.